City of Sausalito
Home Search MenuCitizen Complaints
About Citizen Complaints
- If you would like to make a complaint about the actions of a Sausalito Police Department employee, please read the following advisory notice:
- You have the right to make a complaint against a police officer for any improper police conduct.
- California law requires this agency to have a procedure to investigate civilians’ complaints.
- You have a right to a written description of this procedure.
- This agency may find after investigation that there is not enough evidence to warrant action on our complaint.
- Even if that is the case, you have the right to make the complaint, and have it investigated if you believe an officer behaved improperly.
- Civilian complaints and any reports or findings relating to complaints must be retained by this agency for at least five (5) years.
- It is against the law to make a complaint that you know to be false.
- If you make a complaint against an officer knowing that it is false, you can be prosecuted on a misdemeanor charge.
- To continue, please complete and submit the form below.
- You may also download, print, and fill out a copy of the Citizen Complaint Form in English or Spanish, then contact the Sausalito Police Department at (415) 289-4170 or
- You may also download, print, and fill out a copy of the Citizen Complaint Form in English or Spanish, then contact the Sausalito Police Department at (415) 289-4170 or
- You have the right to make a complaint against a police officer for any improper police conduct.
Citizen Complaint Form
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