Permittee agrees that they will be responsible for all costs and actions in regards to banner(s) including but not limited to: banner design, labor for banner placement and removal, any time charged by City to remove or repair banner.
Permittee agrees to relocate, remove, repair or maintain at his/her (or their) expense said banners within 48 hour notice that the Parks and Recreation Director has found and determined that permittee has failed to comply with any of the conditions required herein, or that the public interest requires such relocation, removal, repair or maintenance.
Permittee agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Sausalito harmless from any and all damages, claims, actions and causes of action which may arise as a result of permittee's negligent acts or omissions in any matter related to this encroachment.
Permittee agrees to bind himself/herself (or themselves, jointly or severally), his/her (or their) heirs, successors, administrators, executors and assigns to the faithful performance of the conditions of this permit.
Banner Specs / Fees
- Fishing Pier (next to Trident) & Basketball Court Fence (at Robin Sweeny Park)
- Length: 11’-11 ½’ Max
- Width: 3 ½’ Max
- Self-Install @ both locations
- $154
- Across Bridgeway @ Shell Station
- Length: 25’-35’
- Width: 3’-4’
- Installation Fee: $672
- $154
Permittee must be a Non-Profit organization. Documentation may be required.
This permit is to be strictly construed, and no work other than that specifically mentioned above is authorized hereby.
I have read and understand the above Banner Encroachment Permit Conditions.